Saturday, August 2, 2008

Longkang Post This, But You Better Read It

YOU must be wondering why I am putting up this 'longkang' post. Well, take a look at the pictures.

Seen anything peculiar?

There you have it. Evidence of misdeeds!

Seen anything peculiar of this 'longkang' (drain) which lies beneath a dense foliage of casuarinas beside the perimeter wall of the Royal Selangor Pewter company at Jalan Usahawan? Look below then, in case you did not sense anything amiss. See the white stubs of cigarette butts?

If you wonder why I put up a post on these stubs, well, here is the explanation: The dense foliage where these pictures were taken is the hideout for students from a nearby school playing truants.

Which school I shall not name but will leave it to your imagination. Suffice to say that each day their rich parents in big cars drop them by with hopes as high as the fees they pay that their children will study hard and end up successful one day. It will be a heartbreak if these parents find out what their children do after they make the turn to drive home each morning.

Well, some of these hardcore Mat Pontengs look for their gang and head for the sanctuary of this 'longkang'. These mid-teens happily puff away, with nary a care in the world, and well protected from prying eyes behind the thick foliage. Some, after having their puffs, hail taxis and go elsewhere, to return to school just before the day's bell rings and before their parents pick them up. How's school you ask? Heck, great as ever!

If you are one of those parents who think you are doing your kids a favour sending them to special schools because you think the regular school life stinks and well-loaded against them, well, do yourself another favour - one of these mornings, return for a surprise check along this stretch of drain by Royal Selangor Pewter. If you see your kid in the 'longkang', give him or her a piece of yur mind (even if he/she is not your kid) so that he/she won't end up in the real 'longkang' of life a decade from now.

Best time to check this longkang is in the mornings.

Ask the security guards at Royal Selangor what the students have been doing in the 'longkang' daily and once you have gotten your answers, ask the school authorities what they are doing about the facts you have in your hands.

No point sending your kids to good schools only to find out too late they all they ever studied was with their peers in the longkang!


Anonymous said...

You've just created a LOT of pissed off parents. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary Ian, I think parents should be thankful for this tip off and check the lonngkang to see what their kids are up to. I have seen these kids, almost near school hour starts, hang around the Shell station buying titbits and endangering their lives running across the busy junction. The school should do something before their students gets mowed down by a car.

Anonymous said...

evidence x kukuh, kdg2 pekerja royal selangor pn buang putung rokok kat situ agaknye.. xpun pekerja kontrak buat rmh kedai kt ctu..