Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Desa Setapak Prawn Mee

I laugh every time I pass by this building.


Just look at the striking colour! Looks as red as a cooked lobster. And precisely this is what the owners must be looking for to strike a note with passers-by whose stomachs are growling.

According to friends, this place serves 'mee yoke' or prawn mee. This is non-halal of course, as among the condiments used are pork ribs. I won't be writing a review because I have not eaten at this place before.

But I do know of Tan Kee's shop opposite the Chung Hwa primary school in Setapak. It is one of the earliest 'mee yoke' stalls that operate in there and from what I have tried, it is still the best.

Of course, one of these days, I just might pop into this lobster red shop in Desa Setapak. Then I will write a review.


CLF said...

Heard from my friend it's nice, but I never went to eat there before because well, the price is slightly higher than the stalls out there.

Anonymous said...

I came across the restaurant many times when I was around the area, but I'm not gonna eat there anytime soon, because I got this condition called gout, if I eat and drink the prawn soup, For sure my joints at legs will swollen up. Quite painful, at least for a few days. :P

Selene said...

The shop had closed down in April.

Alice Lee said...

Alamak, I did not get to sample the food. Must have been good or business is really hit by the economic slowdown. But then surely can do well in Desa Setapak what, since people dont stop eating mah..

Lee Wee Tak said...

very expensive compared to other eatries there.

it is comparable to the seafood noodle in Segambut