Sunday, November 23, 2008

Knuah Nah Keng - Exquisite Carvings At This Temple

IF you use the short cut from Genting Kelang into Air Panas, passing by the Len Seng Bus Depot, you will come across a lovely temple on your left. Opposite the temple is a huge vacant lot where during festivities (on the eighth lunar month of the Chinese calendar) will be filled tables for offerings and a stage for puppet show. On nights when the temple is all lit up, it is a lovely sight. You might want to take some photos such as what I have done here.


acura said...

It is very enchanting at night with the lights on

Alice Lee said...

Yes Acura, it is. According to what I have learnt, this temple assists the poor and needy all year round. There used to be a free health clinic here. Wonder where it is now.