Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good Food At Loong Fatt

I love this restaurant. It is located at Jalan Genting Kelang, just below the bridge and next to the Mangum shop. It sells great stuff for breakfast and lunch. The coffee and tea are also extremely good and they go well with the dumplings sold at the entrance.

But recently, I had a nasty experience with one of the tenants of the restaurant. After much thought, I thought I'd mention her here so that you readers who frequent this restaurant would not go through when I went through.

I was there for breakfast with friends recently and took a table inside the restaurant because there were none outside. We ordered our food and settled the bill, and waited for the food to arrive.

Before we knew what hit us, one of the hawker-tenant selling a type of noodle started screaming her head off. It was not hysteria but at someone, probably a helper or her child, she was taking her anger on.

Still angry, she hunts down her victim.

As if that was not enough, she threw the long bamboo chopsticks she uses to prepare her noodles at the direction of her intended victim - which missed her and hit one of the people having breakfast there. The chap cooly returned her chopstick and she did not even apologise. After the chap related the incident to the coffeeshop owner who reprimanded her, only did she say 'Toi Em Chee' or My Apologies in Cantonese.

Found her victim! Here she is seen berating the poor woman after the chopsticks missed!

The reason this posting was made because that incident could have resulted in a nasty incident - what if she had thrown a chopper or knife in the first place?

So, if you are having a meal there, stay very far away from this lady's stall. She's dangerous, mind you.

Hopefully, the woman hawker will be more restrained in the future. Who doesn't get angry with slow workers? Who doesn't have domestic problems?

But behave yourself when you are doing business!

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