Saturday, October 10, 2009

Messy Medan Idaman

These are some of the stalls that are hitching a ride on the supermarket's popularity. They have taken up the pavements. Where are pedestrians supposed to walk?
Uncontrolled hawking activities are turning Medan Idaman into an eyesore. If you pass by Jalan Gombak Batu 5 (Fifth Mile), your eyes will be greeted by these scene of hawker stalls right infront of the Ong Tai Kim supermarket. These have been in existence for as long as the supermarket started operation.And they continue to grow uncrontrollably.
Parking space is also taken up by these hawkers to lay their tables, not to mention the dirt and grime from their cooking littered all over the road. Worse, is they are obstructing traffic along the pavements.
Sidewalks are built for pedestrians to walk. But how did City Hall end up allowing such trading practices? Are the hawkers licensed? If they are, then City Hall is not helping clean up its image of an impartial enforcement agency. Shouldn't there be some form of control over hawking activities?


EpicPhailure said...

Not only Medan Idaman, most of the sidewalks nowadays are just total disappointment and not pedestrian friendly. In fact, it is rare that if u find any sidewalks which u can walk comfortably for like 100m or so.

Malaysia Boleh!

Alice Lee said...

Agreed. City Hall should do something about it, as they have done on illegal parking!