Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Graffiti@Wangsa Maju

If you pass by KLSCIII, into Wangsa Walk from Section 6, take a look left at a wall down the slopes. You will see this beautiful piece of street art. It changes weekly or so at the whim and fancy of the artists who have claimed this as their domain. It is a good thing to see such creativity but hope it does not extend to vandalism.


Mad Kilau said...

These people should be arrested and jailed for defacing public property.

Alimuddin Pakiasamy said...

agreed, they should be sentenced to community service.

bacterium said...

alice in wonderlands? said...

yeh..just in front of my house.. but not sure this is legal or not..

Anonymous said...

i'm loving it!
this is very nice.

Anonymous said...

in front my house, so nice...not agreed what mat kilau and pakiasamy said..i really think they are really good in art