Thursday, January 14, 2010

KLSC III Rakan Cop Beat Base - Copped Out

Sad, this one looks just like it was abandoned. We are taking about the KLSC III Pondok Rakan Cop. It was all hoarded up and no one seemed to know why the structure was there. The developer has fulfilled his promise but why no takers?


Ober Frederiksen said...

now my car is the crime for these car thieves!!! last time I commented about rims being stolen. and mirrors being broken. and mine has been broken on last week's thursday. I lost nothing except for my roadtax. I am now traumatised to park my car at WANGSA MAJU LRT. I rather get DBKL saman for illegal parking rather than being in this sort of trouble!

Alice Lee said...

We sympathise with you Ober. Despite the number of rounds the police makes, yes, we see them around Wangsa Maju, these thieves are quite brave. Or savvy. I wonder what the CCTVs in Wangsa Maju, especially at Desa Setapak and the vicinity are for. We suggest you make a police report over the lost road tax and it could be used for criminal purposes.