Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do you think the UPSR and PMR should be scrapped?

I have been reading about the possibility of the UPSR (standard 6) and the PMR (Form Three) examinations being scrapped. Why the government is mulling such a move is mind-boggling. If you have school going children, chances are that you will want to benchmark their academic performance with a national-level reference point. In this case, it's the public examinations such as the two as well as the SPM and STPM.

Now the talk is that these scrapped exams will be replaced with school-designed tests. How they are going to implement it, I dont know. But what do you think? Is it such a great idea scrapping UPSR and PMR and allowing self-assessment?

We claim that too much pressure had been put on our children to do well in schools and in performing in public examinations. But isnt that the way it was back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s? Or even 90s?


Anonymous said...

While I agree that students are now very "A's" oriented and less creative and less communicable, I think the proposal of abolishment is really political mooted! One particularly race is still lagging behind, and the politicians thought that by abolishing the exams, the laggers will catch up! The survival and sustainbility cannot be protected all the time.

"If we get the right people on our bus, get the wrong people off the bus, then we can take Malaysia to someplace great"

Anonymous said...

I very the agree with you.

Cherinne said...

Hi! I just moved here for my daughter easier study and can come home to grandma house instead of being at home alone and no sitter available.

But now i face problem at school when she has co curriculum. I am urgently looking for a transporter for 2-3 days a week only from APGS to Sri Rampai.

If any one got good and reliable contact please do share. my email is Urgent please! thank you.