Friday, March 21, 2008

Section 1 Wangsa Maju

Section 1 apartments - look at the number of satellite TV dishes on the corridors and you won't think this is a low-cost housing area

WANGSA Maju Section 1 and 2 are divided by the LRT line and encloses Taman Desa Setapak. In the old days, Section 1's residents comprise mostly Malays while Section 2 is made up of mostly Chinese.

Section 1 comprises five-storey walk-up flats, with mostly two rooms. Amenities here include the Jusco complex which is next to the Income Tax department.

There are also two petrol stations nearby and a secondary school not far away.

There was a huge oxidation pond here for years. Now sits beautiful gated community.
There used to be a huge oxidation pond on the western perimeter of Section 1 but has today been reclaimed into a gated community known as "Taman Sri Andaman" link houses.

One of the houses at Andaman

If you approach Section 1from the south, this gated community is on your left. You can't miss it. It sits smack on top of where the oxidation ponds were. It is quite interesting to note that land is now so scarce that even what used to hold human excrement is today prime property and funnily, this high-end property is just a shout's distance away from the low-cost flats that made up Section 1.

There is a horrendously long night market from this place to Jusco on Monday evenings and the road is closed from 5pm to midnight. Don't try to drive through or you will end up stuck till midnight.


Unknown said...

nice future, shall make this as official webside..

Anonymous said...

not a taman sri andaman.. it desa andaman