Monday, March 24, 2008

Soon Soon Lai (slow-slow come) Xia Xu Noodles

Oi, you got eat herbal Xia Xu noodles before or not? If not, you should come to Desa Setapak. The noodles are hand made and the owner's fame has gotten him into HoChak TV programme.

Basically, if you ask me, it is similar to pan mee. Except that he gives you so many flavours. And don't miss the chili hot spicy mee. Better, if you eat there under the noon sun. Yes, got shelter but try and see if you do not sweat like hell.

See the menu?

Eat spicy mee under the umbrellas under the noon sun and you get extra kick.


acura said...

One of my fave stalls
Actually Wangsa Maju do have lots of food stalls but most of them are just mediocre.
But this one comes highly recommemded

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This stall's food can consider one of the best that I've tasted before. But sadly, it's gone. DOn't know where they've moved. Found out that few stalls, and food court had been demolished today