Monday, August 11, 2008

Tadak Baca-kah? - Another ugly side of people frequenting Wangsa Maju

This shot was recently taken of an inconsiderate driver parking in a lot for the handicapped on top of Carrefour hypermarket. Just because the driver wants to get nearer to the entrance, the car was just driven into the blue lot reserved for the handicapped. If she was handicapped, then most certainly it was not displayed on her car as all should have been. How inconsiderate!


lan said...

totally selfish and ignorant people

Anonymous said...

big car small heart and non-existing compassion

I just wonder where is the education system be it formal or informal systems in Malaysia?

The Malays take extreme exception in the term "kurang ajar" and all Malaysians should bear this in mind when we act and speak as well as guiding our children

Malaysia, especially KL, is becoming a big rubbish dump. it is disgraceful. we are regressing big time, like Singapore in the 1950's

Lee Wee Tak