Friday, September 12, 2008

A Star Once Lived In Taman Forlong

Do you remember this man (picture above, inset right bottom)?

His name is Teuku Zakaria Teuku Nyak Puteh. Also known as P. Ramlee, the great Malay star who has no equal even till this day. P Ramlee was famous for his acting as well as direction. But to me, he was truly one heck of the few Malay directors (perhaps the only one) who has managed to cross all racial borders with his movies.

He was loved by young and old and during the passing in 1973, everyone who had seen his movies and gotten to know this great man cried upon hearing his demise. Indeed he was such as character who has managed to touch all hearts - A True Malay Malaysian in every sense of the word.

This house at Jalan Dedap in Taman Forlong was his former house. Today, it has become a museum. Entrance is free and you can get to know more about this fantastic man.

1 comment:

Darth Unko said...

I have been there like 21 years ago when I was studying in S.R.J.K. (C) Mun Yee. :p

Love your blog, been living in WM for 19 years and moved to Sri Gombak like 2 years ago... can pretty much link to everything you have posted... luv it! Keep it up!