Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thank You For Bringing Us Up The Alexa Ranks!

I was pleasantly surprised this morning when one of you readers sent me this stats (copied above). Normally I would install a trackker and absentmindedly forget all about it. You know the kind of things that tend to slip your mind until someone reminds you.

Well, this morning, I received an email from one of the readers of this blog. He/she (cybertrackker62) must have been a person of high knowledge of the web and traffic ranking to know so much.

In his/her words:

Congratulations for moving up the Alexa ladder. Most blogs stay down for a long, long time until an unexpected event pulls them out from the sandbox. Some sites never see light of day. However, I am pleased to inform you that yours are slowly crawling up the ranks as you can see [link to alexa] here. Keep up the good work and I am sure you will be up there very soon.

Well, thank you whoever you are and Godbless. We are here because of nice readers like you keep returning with tips and posts and interaction. Many of you have linked to this site, and to those whose links have been discovered, I have linked my thanks on your site too. To the many whom I have yet to discover, hang in there. Will be around in your neighbourhood shortly.

Thanks everyone, for visiting Wangsa Maju.


chuan said...

well done, Alice!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Chuan.