Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gombak Road Widening - Updates

Tarring of the trunk road leading from Setapak to the upper reaches of Jalan Gombak has begun downstream from Gombak Fifth Mile (Pasaraya Ong Tai Kim). The road shoulders have been tarred sporadically, and this presents an even more dangerous situation for bikers. Loose gravel and uneven road shoulders are a fatal combination should the biker hits the dirt at high speed. Let's hope the contractors will complete the road fast before Chinese New Year!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wangsa-Maju.Com Wishes Indian Readers Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali!
May You All Be Happy And Healthy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Now You Know Why Some People Become Mat Rempit Later On

This youngster is spotted along Jalan Gombak recently, exuding a sense of infantile confidence, perched in front of her dad's bike. She was standing on her tiny feet, gripping instinctively onto the bike's handlebar, as her very irresponsible parents sped towards town. They were inches away from construction debris in the middle of the road and riding on the outer lane, oblivious to bigger vehicles.

The mother and father were engaged in their own world while the little toddler feels the breeze rushing through her face - with no other protection. I dont need to tell you how fast the bike is going - just look at the toddler's hair and you will have an idea.

It beats logic how parents could have exposed their offsprings to this obvious danger. Isn't a bus more convenient and safer? Is this the way to live it up in the city?

If there is a sociologist, I hope he/she would study if the exposure to this mode of transport has encouraged children to become Mat Rempits in their later life. It would really make an interesting read!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Steven Must Be Laughing All The Way To The Bank

If you knew your Steven, you will know that it first started in Old Klang Road area. I frequented that original place many years ago and it was only a packed stall with 10 tables or so by the road.

Today, this high rise with Steven's Corner emblazoned across its facade must be the owner's proud trademark. In those days, where mamak stalls were unheard of, Steven's Corner is the place to grab your nightly supper. The fried crab and fish are fabulous and they are served here too. This is one of the most striking eating places in the Prima Setapak area by the Genting Kelang thoroughfare.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Baker's Cottage - Desa Setapak

This is one outlet you should visit if you love bread. In fact, it is one of the branches of the Baker's Cottage chain of bakery. What I like about it is the 99sen deals you find at certain times of the day.

The proprietor must have been a smart fella with good business acumen. After certain hours, you know for sure certain things can sell and certain things cannot, and will probably end up in the next morning's trash can if you insist on the price tag. But if you were to go cheap, even marginally, at the end of the day, not only will you garner goodwill from those who can ill afford your tagged price but earn their gratitude as well, especially during tough times when everyone is looking to stretch the ringgit.

This cheap-cheap concept is neither new nor novel - it has been practiced by some socially responsible corporate bodies already. It's about giving back to society when you reap from them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Air Panas Goddess of Mercy Temple

There is a quaint temple dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin, just beside the Air Panas field. According to residents there, the origins of this temple was that of a wooden hut. It was set up when the Air Panas village was formed in the 70s. Sometime in the late 90s, there was a fire which gutted the main temple.

According to the story, when the fire enveloped the temple, which was sandwiched between several timber houses, the owners of the houses prayed hard that the fire would not spread.
Indeed, their prayers were answered and the fire which began at the temple imploded - burnt and collapsed inwards - and did not even singe the nearest house.

It was a tale of miracle so commonly heard of the Goddess of Mercy. The main statue of the Goddess, so said temple caretakers, survived the fire with just a singe on the side - when all the enclosure was reduced to ashes.
The temple pays homage to the Goddess of Mercy three times a year on the 19th day of the second , sixth and ninth lunar month - the latter which falls this Friday.

Where Are The Fair Price Shops In Wangsa Maju?

Dear All

I am trying to compile a list of Fair Price shops in Wangsa Maju and I desperately need your help. This is because since the last price increase of petrol/diesel, most things have gone up by at least 30 to 40 per cent, including daily needs such as food.

Today, the price of fuel has dropped below USD72 per barrel, which undoubtedly will reduce further the pump price of petrol. Now it is already as RM2.30 (a drop of 40 sen from the RM2.70 which constitutes to a 15 % drop). While some shops are reducing, others still maintain the pre-RM2.70 petrol price kind of pricing. Others, a few unscrupulous ones, have even upped it discreetly in anticipation of the bad economy ahead next year.

As a resident in the Wangsa Maju constituency, I hope this website to be of service in critical times like these. But I need your assistance too, especially students of TAR College (and UTAR) living around here.

Tell me where the cheap/fair price makan shops, food stalls, grocery outlets, photostat shops, and other services you come in daily contact with. You are the best judge as you compare notes with your colleagues and if you can find some time to help me compile a list of fair price shops, I will list them all here for the benefit of everyone.

We live in one big village called Wangsa Maju and let's help each other to tide over hard times like these. Post your recommended shop below and if you can, say why. Shopkeepers in Wangsa Maju are also welcomed to feed this post. Our readers will judge whether you are fair priced or not if you are listed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Over the Rainbow At Wangsa Maju

Yesterday, Oct 13, around 6:30pm, if you have been up and about around Wangsa Maju, near Setiawangsa LRT station, you would have noticed this rainbow.

It was a spectacular sight. I caught this in the midst of getting out of the traffic lights. There were a pair of rainbows, but unfortunately the mirror image was too pale to be captured on film. It's not often you such clarity and with the storm on its heels, the rainbow is a splendoured sight indeed.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Foh Yuen Vegetarian Restaurant - Where You Can get A Decent Meal for RM2.00

If you are short on cash and payday is a long way away, and are looking for cheap nutritious meals in Wangsa Maju, take a walk to Section 2 where the new block of shops at the perimeter of Desa Setapak facing Menara Alpha. Check out the Foh Yuen Vegetarian Restaurant where meals go as cheap as RM2 for rice and three dishes and a free drink if you eat in. Additional dish goes for a mere 50 sen.

I visited the eatery recently and found it to be quite popular, and why not? For a compassionate eatery (let's face it - where can you get RM2 for a hearty meal, and vegetarian, too?), it seems to be drawing quite a crowd throughout the day. Regulars include vegetarians and those who can ill afford expensive meals in Wangsa Maju.

From the decor, the eatery has a religious air about it that is reflective of a Buddhist organisation (see picture right) . Because of this, I think the eatery is not looking at high profit margin - it was set up to perhaps offer good vegetarian meals to vegetarians and the less financially abled. You don't see this kind of 'corporate compassion' nowadays. So, if you are in Wangsa Maju, check it out one day.

Update: Reader who wants to be known as CLF has an interesting story about this outlet and the philantrophy behind it. Read CLF's comment below this post.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What's Good At The Air Panas Hawker Centre?

They say the more dirty looking the place, the better is the food. Couldn't agree more!

There is a dirty looking hawker centre opposite the Air Panas wet market.

If I remember, the hawker centre has been here for ages.

In the afternoons, you see it packed to be brim with people looking for cheap, tasty food ranging from fried noodles to thosai. Yes, this place serves Indian and Chinese food only.

And pretty cheap. If you have time, check out the laksa stall at the back, the ice kacang stall and the vegetarian food seller. The fried noodles fella's fry-fry stuff is also very good. There is also the mandatory chicken rice and char siew rice stall.

The Kai Fan stall. Quite okay lah this one. The laksa stall is next door to this.

Laksa (left) goes very well with the red bean iced (hoong tau sar). Look at the red bean - wow!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Income Tax Department in Wangsa Maju

If you are wondering where Menara Hidayah* (formerly Menara Kausar) is in Wangsa Maju, where you are supposed to go settle your taxes, then here is the picture. It is located right opposite the Alpha Angle.

The nearest public transport hub is the Wangsa Maju LRT station.

Get down there, walk across the road via the pedestrian bridge and get down the other side, and head towards Alpha Angle.

The building is at your right if you are facing Alpha Angle from the LRT station.

*Thanks to Eddie Wong for update!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Section 4 Hill - What's Up There?

If you pass by Section 4 each evening and you see lots of people walking or running up a lane leading up the hill, and you wonder what they are up to, wonder no more. They are just doing so for health reasons and in the name of keeping fit.

I walked the same path recently and below are the photos of what I found up there.

A rubber tree, still being tapped?

A ficus tree - attracts black birds and cowells.

The journey up can make you pant if you are not fit.

What is at the end of the road? A fence and a gate which is locked. You can't go through because it's private property - owned by a telecommunication company.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

Wangsa Maju Dot Com wishes all our readers a Salam Hari Lebaran, Maaf Zahir Batin.