Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Over the Rainbow At Wangsa Maju

Yesterday, Oct 13, around 6:30pm, if you have been up and about around Wangsa Maju, near Setiawangsa LRT station, you would have noticed this rainbow.

It was a spectacular sight. I caught this in the midst of getting out of the traffic lights. There were a pair of rainbows, but unfortunately the mirror image was too pale to be captured on film. It's not often you such clarity and with the storm on its heels, the rainbow is a splendoured sight indeed.


fox said...

yeah, i saw that rainbow too, it was raining at that moment. and, it was a double rainbow at one moment.

Anonymous said...

Fox, Thanks for the post. rainbows appear in pairs, one is the refraction of light by waterdroplets (ie rain, shower) while the other is the reflection of the sharper image.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I saw it too.

I was driving on the MRRII on Kepong flyover towards Gombak, there I saw the full glory, a giant half circle rainbow in its full glory. Its like I drive into a giant gate of rainbow. Unreal!

It was still no rain yet but after a I passed thru Batu Cave, it poured cats and dogs!

I mangeed to shoot some video while on the road. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4uOAdl_4P0

And unlucky enough to drive thru flash flood on road in front of UniTAR/TBR (Wangsa Maju) areas. "Luckily" the water's not too deep.

Alice Lee said...

Good video of the rain. better if you gotten the rainbow as well. Now, pray tell, isn't it a little dangerous trying to drive in bad rain and targetting the video/phone at the same time?

Anonymous said...

Yes, its very dangerous! I apologise.