Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Greens Begin With Good Vegetable Vendors

This is one greengrocer (the lady in violet T-shirt above) at the Air Panas market which you should check out if you want to buy good veges.
She has quite a variety and is pleasant to deal with, not calculative and often throws in some chillies, limes or even spring onions as freebies to go with the veges you buy. These things are not expensive, of course, and anyone can afford them.
But this small gesture from this lady greengrocer makes going to the market a pleasant experience. Now, this is what I call customer service.
Usually, she is assisted by her daughters and son.
Check her out if the next time you are there. He stall is located near the entrance by the main office. You can't miss her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not seen her quite sometime and her stall has been occupied by another fella. Does anyone know if she is still operating?