Thursday, March 19, 2009

Are These Fruits Eatable?

I was at a local supermarket recently when I stumbled upon this bag of goodies in a basket - fruits of various kinds lumped and sold by the bag.

Some of the fruits did not look so fresh and tempting, but the prices were too good not to take a second glance.

Are they fit for human consumption or are they for feeding pets? Would appreciate if someone tell me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alice. I need to get the contact no of this Chinese Sin Sei, he is attached to this Chinese Herbs Shop behind Ong Tai Kim Supermarket. My dad used to be his patient but now he is transfered. Do you think you can help? He is having water retention - his body is ballooned and previously this Sin Sei's medicine helped. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks for your kindness.


Chinatsu said...

edible, not eatable, duh