Monday, May 18, 2009

The Lian Hin Rubber Smokehouse

If you pass by Jalan Gombak into Sentul, you will see this blue building which looks like a pagoda. This is the Lian Hin Rubber Smokehouse. Until the 70s, and early 80s, this is where rubber sheets were smoked and dried before they could be exported. People who lived nearby remember the stench of rubber sheets on their clothes and at that time, not many people were vocal enough to complain. After several years, they grow immune to the smell. Today, thankfully, this building is no longer used to smoke rubber sheets and hence you dont even know it exists as there is no more stench from it.


Anonymous said...

It was on fire just now

Anonymous said...

sedihnya, kilang getah dah terbakar.. my late grandparents house was next to it.. despite the smell, it has become some kind of landmark for those who resides there.. was built in 1963..

Anonymous said...

It was a landmark in Batu 4 Gombak. I still remember in 1963 when I was a standard 5 student I used to paly kite on the ground where the building stands today. I was leased to the company (Lee Rubber) I think to dry latex and the stench or smell it created was unbearable. Overtime, the people staying there were immune to the smell. When I was in High School in Victoria Institution, my friends used to complain that I smell like s--t. But I just walk away because the smell of the latex got to the clothing and that is why we do smell like s--t when we wear those clothes. Now the landmark is no more ..but memories still remain and that building will invoke some good and bad feelings reminisent of the 60's and 70's when I was staying in that area with my late parents.

KKPPKSM Selangor said...

peninggalan sejarah negara nih..
terbakor sudahh