Saturday, May 23, 2009

Who Knows Where Gombak Wet Market is?

White elephant.

If you pass by Jalan Gombak, you will see this structure. It houses the Gombak Wet Market. It was built in the 80s so that the morning market traders would be trading from a proper place. It was City Hall's plan to move all morning market traders operating from the roadsides into a better place.

However, the plan backfired. Few traders wanted to move in. Word has it that their reluctance was due to the fact that pork was not allowed to be sold here. Today, this modern market houses a City Hall materinity clinic, a Bank, and a miss-mash of various market traders with still plenty of stalls not taken up.

There is an escalator to the upper floor but it is only switched on on certain days. You get a handful of traders selling from meat to vegetables and the lobby area is used by traders selling tidbits. It's a real shame. If not for the bank operating here, the building would be empty.

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