Monday, June 22, 2009

AH1N1 - Swine Flu Now In Wangsa Maju

According to a posting from the YB Wee Choo Keong's blog, Mexican/Swine Flu or AH1N1 has been detected at a school in Wangsa Maju.

Reproduced here is his post:

H1N1 Flu detected in Wangsa Maju
About noon today I got word that a H1N1 Flu case had been detected in our constituency.

I personally checked the accuracy of the information received and the Wilayah Health Department had confirmed to me that it did detect one case involving a Form 4 student of Sekolah Menegah Kebangsaan Wangsa Maju in Section 1 2.

I was also told that this case was detected on 18 June and the whole class of students had since been placed under quarantine until 25 June.

Full posting can be read at Wee's blog

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