Monday, June 29, 2009

Stupid Scavengers Stole These Drain Covers In Air Panas

Someone has replaced the covers with wooden ones. But these will rot under the weather. Let's hope these are replaced with concrete covers instead.

SOME stupid people have stolen the plastic-fibre grills along the walkway connecting Air Panas Girls School to the Air Panas bus stop beside the padang some weeks ago. These scavengers will sell their mothers if you show them how so let's not get angry with them.

Till today, since this is the second posting of the same problem, no one has yet replaced these wooden covers proper ones. What will it take for anyone to act?

ps: Can City Hall or YB Wee Choo Keong's Office get these holes properly covered before someone falls into the drain should the wooden planks rot?

Thank you!

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