Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wangsa Walk Charges For Parking

Folks, free meals are over! Wangsa Walk now charges for parking, going by the hour. The only place that does not charge for parking is Carrefour. When Wangsa Walk opened several months back, parking was free. So, people living along the area can expect some people to park by the roadside and walking to Wangsa Walk to escape from paying the fee.


E@stlife said...

Can I know what is the college of design course located at wangsa walk's name? I've been looking all over the net, but it seems like there is are result. I heard that the name was something like D@sign??? Thanks

acura said...

There is one called Dasein. I think it's the one you are looking for ;)

Alice Lee said...

Tezza is right, it is known as Dasein. Quite well run with experienced teachers.