Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sigh... Politics!

Choo Keong slams PAS Youth for quit demand

PETALING JAYA: Wangsa Maju MP Wee Choo Keong hit back at the PAS Youth from his constituency, saying the movement should not practise double standards by calling for his resignation as other PAS leaders have continued to serve as MPs under similar situations.
“In 1975, PAS joined Barisan and fought the 1975 general elections under the Barisan tickets. Many PAS MPs, including Tok Guru Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat were elected....

So, now the MP slams Pas Youth which slammed him for quitting the party he represented and for which he was probably elected by Wangsa Maju pollers in the last election. So who gets slammed next? Enough of slamming-lah. Get down to work.

There are lots to be done in Wangsa Maju. Independent or Partisan, you have your duties to the people here. Look at Jalan Genting Kelang's road upgrading. Pebbles strewn everywhere from the construction work. Can do something about it or not ah? Dangerous you know, for the bikers during rainy spells.

And of course, the unevenness that the roads have now become, as well as potholes that are beginning to form. Where? Take a drive around please!
These are the issues at ground level that needs to be resolved. Enough slamming and get cracking.

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