Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wangsa Maju Now An Independent Constituency?

Okay, you have heard it. The MP has quit the party.

MP Wee Choo Keong Quits PKR

KUALA LUMPUR, May 14 (Bernama) -- Wangsa Maju member of parliament Wee Choo Keong on Friday quit Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), citing his disappointment over the party and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leadership's failure to act against the sand scandal in Dengkil, Selangor as the reason.

"I feel I can no longer serve the party in a situation where I have lost trust in the leadership's ability to address such issues.

"I've had enough of the double talk, double standards, nepotism, cronyism and most of all, the activities of the little Napoleons who will do anything to achieve their dream, that is, Putrajaya. I can no longer pretend that all is well," he said.

Wee, a lawyer, said he held to the principle of fighting corruption even when committed by PR members themselves.

He denied that he would be quitting his MP post and said he had informed the PKR supreme council of his resignation from the party.

Source: Bernama

So, what the heck does Wangsa Maju P116 now make? An Independent Constituency? What will happen to development here - if there are any? Which party will the MP now join? Will he be the opposition? Or go mainstream? Whichever is his decision, let's hope we Wangsa Maju residents are not disadvantaged in any way. We put our MPs there and they better have our interests at heart!

Let's hear from you guys reading this today.

1 comment:

ricky said...

I felt absolutely betrayed by the action of this two-legged, unprincipled frog known as Wee. I left some not-so-nice comments in his blog but I believe they won't get published as the comments are moderated.

He thinks that most W Majuan will fall for the flimsy reasons he laid out that made him go Independent. Many are clamoring that he should vacate his seat but that won't happen as from now on, all his actions, steps are being dictated and directed by you-know-who!!

His political future is as good as over; BN won't even touch him with a ten-foot pole.