Sunday, May 4, 2008

What A Waste Of Prime Property

Everytime I pass by this complex, which was built in the 90s and opened briefly for two years or so, I wonder who the owners are and why are they not doing something about this eyesore which is now home to stray pigeons.

I am talking about the Galleria, in Jalan Pahang, next door to the Chong Hwa primary school The complex did not take off when it was opened many years ago. Primarily, it was not well promoted. In the days when there was yet to be big complexes, this one was ill-prepared when it opened. It has a small supermarket as anchor tenant and smaller lots of businesses. There were little promotion here if I remember correctly, perhaps due to the fact that the owners did not know to to promote the place. With few activities, shoppers dwindled and the whole place collapsed. Businesses soon moved out and the complex was closed, finally.

I think the main cause of its downfall is the parking lot - they go a number of floors down and the lowest, if it rains heavily, usually gets flooded. The poor parking facility somehow contributed to the downfall of this magnificent building.

I think it would have been more successful if it was turned into a hotel and why not? The shoplots within could be transformed, with a little refurbishment, into rooms. It already has a huge lobby characteristic of a hotel. Let's see what the owners will do with this eyesore.

ps: If you are looking at the facade, look higher at the roof top. You will see a statue of a cockerel frozen in perpetuity as if ready to crow. Why a status of cockerel was placed on to roof top above the main entrance is perplexing. If my guess is right, it has something to do with fengshui - or the lack of it.


Anonymous said...

hey, I saw that piece on top of the roof. I always thought it was in the shape of a crowing cockerel Looks like I was right. Why did you think it was put there?

Anonymous said...

Whe Galleria first opened, everyone was quite excited since finally Setapak had its own shopping mall. Alas, it didn't last. Thanks for the story. Makes interesting read. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...