Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mad Bus Driver in Wangsa Maju Driving Digi-bus

This yellow bus - no prizes for correct guess which company it belongs to - was spotted making an illegal U-turn just after the Genting Kelang Wangsa Maju junction traffic lights(opposite Perodua Sales overlooking Taman Bunga Raya) moments before making this U-turn about 100 metres upstream from the Sect 2 LRT station, just opposite Jaya Jusco on a Saturday afternoon. You can see it had to reverse or knock down the bus-stop. Several motorcyclists who were on the fast lane nearly ended up under its wheels if they had not been alert. So did several cars that luckily managed to brake in time.

This guy could be high on something while trying this stunt. Perhaps his grandfather owned this road? Otherwise, no sane driver would ever think of driving this behemoth across the divider of this road.

If you ever spot it again, don't drive too near the yellow vehicle. You might end up with a nasty accident should this guy be driving again. He is not only endangering the lives of Wangsa Maju road users, but also giving his company a bad name.

I wonder why Digi would want to advertise on a bus like this rogue vehicle. If at all, it will only give the telecommunication company a 'samseng image'. The advertising manager or the public relations manager should be informed of this rogue Digi-bus.

On second thoughts, perhaps it is appropriate the bus is awashed in yellow so that you could spot the rogue vehicle a mile away and run for cover.


lan said...

I have seen this crazy driver doing U turns at the lights near the new mosque. Its so dangerous that if i was driving near this goon i will sure keep my distance

i think the drivers of Metrobus are reckless and inconsiderate. The drive as though they own the road. I hate them so much!

Anonymous said...

Well, just be careful when you are around any yellow bus for that matter. One doesnt know how the driver behaves. I hope the authorities will lay an ambush for him and nab him in the midst of his deed.

Anonymous said...

The bus drivers also very selfish..They stop for a long time, waiting for passengers without considering that they caused a heavy traffic jam to other road users.They do it like 'bapak dia punya jalan!'.

We can see it happened ever day at the bus stop infront of Pizza Hut and RHB Bank Jalan Genting Kelang..And the road there are only two lanes. When they stop their bus there, left only one lane for everybody to use.. So you can imagine how bad is congestion they have caused.

The traffic police must give them summon everyday for blocking the traffic. And continue to summon them until they got the message, that the public are angry. Very angry!

Alice Lee said...

If you ask me, I wish the police would summon all the vehicles obstructing traffic both along the LRT station and those along the access road to Desa Setapak and Section 2, especially near the traffic lights and in front the MP's office.

People just dont care, and they double and triple park. Sheer arrogance if you ask me and I wonder why residents of Wangsa Maju using these stretches have not complained much!