Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kayu Danau Kota Ka-Yoed - Snooker Centre Takes Over

This used to be the premises of the Kayu Restaurant - you know, the famous Penang-mali Kayu chain?

Did you know that the Kayu Danau Kota restaurant, which operated barely two years, have been KO-ed? Why it has happened no one knows. High costs and poor business(??) could be the reason. Who knows?

In its place is a giant snooker centre. And a tyre shop below. The picture above was taken when renovations were being done. The picture below is what it is now - not opened yet though.

Just wondering out loud - the teachers of Danau Kota schools opposite the road should tighten their surveillance for truants who are now within smelling distance of not only cybercafes but also a brand-new snooker centre. If they don't, exam results will take a dive - together with the school's reputation, which will no doubt stink as much as the oxidation pond not too far away...

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