Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bas Mini - Masuk Belakang Sikit, Mari, Mari!

This one's lucky to end up at the museum as part of history. Others got converted into Bas Sekolah.

One remembers fondly the days of the crazy minibus drivers. The tiny streets of Gombak and Jalan Pahang were their F1 circuit and they were certainly kind of the road, not giving a damn to other road users. If Mat Rempits were present then, many would have kissed dirt with the 'bus mini' drivers around. If the former was lucky, he would not end up minced meat. Otherwise...

It was the 'gangster-like' attitude of these minibus drivers and their conductors that killed the business. Their arrogance on the road unleashed the wrath of the authorities and their extinction today was brought about by that silliness.

But one must admit, these buses were efficient. You could get from point A to point B between 6am to 11am easily.

Fare started from 50 sen but went up later. Unlike today's buses, you can be sure to catch a minibus to town in less than 10 minute's wait.

Of course, most of the time the buses were packed like moving sardine cans. But heck, to the time-constrained traveller, what's a little squeeze-in?

Masuk, masuk. Blakang sikit. Masuk lagi. Masuk lagi.

Klompor. Batu Kib. Gombak. Ayer Panas. Mari mari!

Ah ... those memories. Remember No 14, No 34? Oh, those pink monsters on wheels!


Noel Dass said...

Gosh I miss these busses!!!! I was still young back then but I do have fond memories of them.... the yelling of destinations still happen today, esp around the Central Market area with the Metrobus and SJ Bus conductors but nothing beats the old minibus!

Anonymous said...

I recall during my early working days, we had to use Bas Mini 24, and most of the time, we were packed like sardines, the reckless drives will do all kind of stunt on the road, and as youngters, my siblings will spend time cracking jokes on our experiences and adventures.

One of it was this driver with cigarette on his mouth, and his posture like a ganster when handling the wheel.