Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cendol and Rojak at Desa Setapak

This mamak cendol seller can be seen occupying two car parking lots at Desa Setapak almost daily. He and his partner in crime, another mamak selling rojak, can be seen from 10am to evening at this spot in front of Asashi computers.

How their rojak and cendol taste is up to the individual to judge. But each time when frequenting the parking area starved Desa Setapak, one would wish they find a better to trade - at least not at the expense of car park users.

How can they take up two parking lots? What if others do the same? You be the judge!


CLF said...

The cendol is delicious and cheap.

Anonymous said...

mintak pihak berkuasa bertindak la
sebab mungkin menyusahkan org lain

**kat melawati dulu pun ade cendol rojak, skrg de kat medan selera melawati sebelah sekolah taman melawati tu, sebelum ni kat parking taman melawati tu**

Anonymous said...

not 2 parking spaces but 3 up to 4 parking spaces....can do their business sebaris with chinese rojak?


*saw the penyedok jatuh jalan and the mamak use the penyedok again without wash it....forgot he didnt has air to wash