Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello, Tada Baca-kah?

Sri Utama

If you need to use the road that leads into Royal Selangor Pewter, ie. Jalan Usahawan 6, in the afternoons between noon to 1:30pm, you will see cars of all sizes and makes, mostly luxury ones which reflect the background of the owners, congregating beside the Sri Utama school, a prominent private school in the neighbourhood of Wangsa Maju.

While the number of luxury vehicles signal the preference for the wealthy for private schools, the intelligence of some of these vehicle owners leaves little to be desired. If at all, they act as if they own the road, and many give very little thought about public property.

The owners of this row of cars at least have the courtesy to park in between the break in the road divider. But hallo fiends, why sit smack in front of the entrance to the Royal Selangor Pewter? Tour buses come in and out by the hour. I am sure the tourists they bring will take delight in photographing inconsiderate Malaysians to take home to show their fellow countrymen!

Their inconsiderate attitudes, which hopefully will not rub off their children who are being educated at an exclusively private school there, can be seen by the way the cars and double- and triple-parked along this tiny stretch without thinking about other road users.

Some, who apparently can afford wheel realignments more than you can afford to brush your teeth in the morning, can be seen driving their vehicles onto the grass kerbs that the City Hall spends thousands of ringgit of tax payers' money to upkeep.

Our fiends don't care if the grass is damaged or the concrete broken. And I bet you they are of the same kind of people who will gripe and complaint about how useless local authorities are and how not much have been done to upkeep the city's facilities!

Wah, like you own the whole city! Grass kerb or not, up you go. Hello kawan, that's public property your car is sitting on. Ada Baca-kah?

For you and I mere mortals, who cannot afford private education for our children, at least we are spared the nightmare of mingling with such unthoughtful beings. Sigh..

To the school authorities, at least have the courtesy to teach your students' parents not to simply park lah.

Like this, sure jatuh standard-lah your school!


Anonymous said...

I agree. This place is a mess in the afternoons just like any one near a school. The fact that this is near a private school, I think the school should be more responsible in getting parents to queue rather than block the entire access road - there is only one for Pete's sake!. I usually avoid it when I can, taking a longer route to Sri rampai from Genting Kelang rather than use the Selangor Pewter road. Keep up the good work of monitoring!

Anonymous said...

i agree with you not all but half and i'm one of the student in the school. -_-aiyaa