Saturday, February 7, 2009

Have You Been To Island Red Cafe?

NEW KID ON THE BLOCK - Island Red Cafe
New kid on the block, Island Red Cafe ( at Platinum Walk is giving Old Town White Coffee a run for its money.

In fact, several Saturdays ago, we noted that the the former was crowded while the latter was sparely full.

We wondered why so we decided to check it out. And now we know why.

Food was pretty cheap and service extremely fast. All our orders were served under 10 minutes. I like the red concept, too, like Man U's theme, it's just appropriate.

The food business operators around the area had better take heed. If IRC continues to give good service, you guys had better start looking elsewhere for customers.

The only thing I don't quite like is the service charge - are they allowed to do so?

Pineapple-Lemon juice ala IRC.-RM3.60

IRC Toast. - RM1.00

Rojak at IRC. - RM4.50


Anonymous said...

I am going there tonight!

Anonymous said...

This coffeeshop is taking up Old Town's biznes. Mostly Melayu customers go here. Old Town business suffer leh.

Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding me if you want to compare IRC with OldTown. IRC's business is a sham. Those people you seen hanging around are shareholders and MLM promoters who are selling their IRC MLM deal to friends.

Google around and you will understand what i meant.

Been there twice being invited by a friend who is also a shareholder. Food is so-so. Their own brand IRC coffee is terrible. No way i'm going back there.

Anonymous said...

Well, anonymouse, IRC is doing a better business and is cheap. Who cares who's hanging out there? In bad times, good business is one that offers cheap food. And who benefits? Customers. I dont think you should get worked up.

Anonymous said...

You just dont get it. The people who hangs there are merely those shareholders and IRC MLM promoters who are bringing their friends there to coax them to join. You can join shareholder plan for RM3600 or you can opt to join their member by purchasing a value card of RM300 at RM260.

Subsequently, you can intro friends to purchase the value card and get commission. So the bulk who hangs out there are mostly shareholders and promoters.

I've seen you blog about food in Wangsa Maju and if you want to call this good food i'm sorry to say it's a disappointment and it really made your blog looks ugly.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, what's wrong with you? Did not read the blog properly? It is merely about cheap food. i think there is nothing wrong with this blog. You are entitled to your own opinion and Nancy is entitled to hers. Why get so worked up? And why remain anonymous? If you feel you have been wronged, get your own blog and praise whoever you want to praise. If you dont like this blog, dont read it. But dont pass judgment! There are others like us who find this blog useful and informative.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Ah Liang. Could he have been the competitor? Anyway, relaxlah. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion and his/her favourite coffeeshop. Why attack others? If you dont like it, dont expect others to follow you.

For your information, annnoynyymous, I went there on Feb 7 and found the food quite all right. Yes, it is a MLM sort of business. One of them wanted me to join. I didnt want to and they didnt bug me. So, they ahve been fair. What's wrong with you, anyway?

Anonymous said...

i've been thr once..their service is damn sucks..their food is normal..not too bad..not too expansive..but they obviouly treat their member then non member..member get the better seats and faster food delivered...this is not a good attitude of working as restaurant or cafe bcz nowadays ppl r looking for better service provide

Lplee said...

IRC is still young.I agree that sometimes the service is bad but customers and members are many.So IRC is traning its chefs and workers who are mostly foreigners to coup up with the service and open more outlets for customers to enjoy the varity of foods in comfort.

SharolNaja said...

so this island red cafe is MLM...
ermmm....will think about it...

sharon said...

It's consider a good place for relaxing. By the way, anybody join with member, really a business?

Anonymous said...

it seem look like can earn $ frien is member.he juz start tis month n up to today...he get the commission bout rm2000.

Anonymous said...

im leong...juz now send tat msg to u...sorry i need use the word "anonymous" coz i no regiser any id for any blog.

rain said...

i've been ther once, i think dat time edi open for few weeks, with my frenz. the moment i sit down, ppl who sit beside me who is uncle edi start complainin n scoldin bout their food n service. he order teh ais, but is just a glass of water in brown color. but after dat, i order same things wit the uncle cz i wonder y he complain, then i only noe wat happen. the food is ok, not say vy tasty o wat cz if follow penang concept, not really nice(my frenz from penang oso said dat). mayb nw hv change i duno, but i will go thr n hv a try again, nw they hv branch at rampai business walk.

about the business, i do agree it can make money, but i heard now they cut off the rebate system, which means the member din get their money, this is wat i heard from my frenz, cz frenz of him edi 2 months din get the money, any1 noe?

Sakuraba Taiki said...

well dear friends , i just joined as member and directly bringing my family to there and dine in in the shamelin outlet , they serve fast and the food compare to oldtown , almost the same la , but the price is even cheaper man , because im a member and i entitle for 15% discount , not to say what , i treat my family and they like it because i have to treat , its an early mothers day dine in hahahaha , RM 100++ the bill , and i pay RM85++ <-- its real discount on 15% , this is what i call nice ...

in my opinion , it doesnt matter MLM or what , i join member and i get to eat in discount , this is what i want only , if you really that work out , you go and do la ... i wan makan cheap only hahahaha

Anonymous said...

don't waste your money to visit this place !

Anonymous said...

Irine Ngiam said.....
I’m coming from alor setar, kedah. There is an Island Red Coffee here recently and i heard regarding the multi-level marketing. So I joined it under my friend’s name and paid RM360 for the membership (RM60) and e-vouchers for food (RM300). So far, i have been there for two times. but i had spend roughly RM160 for food. There is nothing wrong with the concept, but in terms of method of paying, when I didnt paid with cash, I realized that it’s quite hard for me to budget my expenses bcoz everything will be deducted from my account. And i really don’t like the envinronment, it’s crowded and i felt very uncomfortable. The food is not tasty as i thought, and it’s not cheap too. The service provided are out of our expectation as there is shortage of manpowers. and i found out that the people went there, not merely to have meal but they actually trying to make sales there. it’s very disturbing and i totally disagree that it is a good place for gathering, chit chatting or even just to drink coffee!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

Irine Ngiam said:
Haha. Funny, it's 11.10pm now, and I haven't get the food I ordered since 9.54pm. I ordered orange apple, pineapple lemon, fried fishball, seafood tofu, tomyam and one single kaya toast. I got my orange apple after 15 minutes, but until 10.22pm my bf still got nothing . My bf get mad, and asking them at least to serve us the drink first. And it was so surprised that they never even informed us that actually pineapple lemon had finished, and asked us to change order. After that, i got my toast. But after that, what we are doing was just waiting and watching around until 11.00pm. Finally, I cancelled my order and left Island Red Cafe, Alor Setar with anger and frustration, with hunger and tired. So did my neighbour table, they kept complaining the service provided was so bad, wasting customer's time, and some of them even worst, have to wait almost two hours only can get everything they had ordered. I really regret that I become one of their members. The service provided is really below my expectation. And believe me, there are someone leaving the cafe without paying!!!!

Aishah Md Isa said...

I went to IRC Alor Setar last nite.. Like most people said.. the food was so-so..(maybe this happened only in Alor Setar branch)
I went just because of my cousin. They show me their account and what surprised me is, his upline got 10K after one month he joined this business. Quite impressive! They encourage me to join, i dont know.. Worry how long will this business last since the service is quite bad due to shortage of staff.

Unknown said...

nice environment, the foods ok. and free wifi. more like starbuck but with curry mee on the menu

Alice Lee said...


This is a post by one of the IRC members who, despite having made so much money as claimed, is using this BLOG posting to get free advertising.

The writer of this blog wishes to state here that no free advertising is allowed - not for anyone nor members of the IRC.

I reproduce this person's posting which I have deleted:
alex said...
Secret of Making Money in IRC Business

It has been proven that this business is legitimate and works. I discovered many ppl know about it and have joined the business when I signed up.

I also found out that it doesnt guarantee u making the money, but there is one simple way to make big money, that is to follow someone, a leader who knows the tricks of the trade.

If u are interested to find out how to make RM10K and above a month, I can introduce you to my leader who is making RM 30K and above per month.

contact me at: DELETED (alex)


This blog is for members of Wangsa Maju community. If you want to get free ads, try Craigslist

Anonymous said...

The bubble has burst. IRC is closing down.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

There is no more Island RED Cafe, they changed name to PG RED Cafe.

The founder cabut with some money, the 2 brothers who took over dun wanna bear that responsibility, how can? they could be pakat oredi... or what.

when u bought over a company, u have to handle the liabilities, right?

the Member-Get-Member system is OK, but the Investment Plan of 5% return is a heavy burden, plus mismanagement, 28 franchisee outlets also cabut from them cos they dun have expertise in F&B industry.

see, a 15 years chains of self owned cafe found mostly in jusco n carrefour, there are abt 100 operating outlets, u can make rm12k a month with one time entry free of RM 275


hey there..
i dont know where to post this.just want to share this new hotel place in wangsa maju.its quite near to red island cafe too. check it out!

dorihustle said...

lantak dia lah .. janji siapa nak makan, just go.. who hates PG Red Cafe, let them hate. Customer maa.. everyone got power to choose.. for those who join, just go make money. For those who like to eat, go there and eat. There's nothing wrong laa. MLM ka, apa ka.. janji everyone happy. Aite.. chillZ!!

New Economic Policy said...

IRC in Danau Kota - my family had one of the worst restaurant experiences in our lives - the service, the quality, the food - all suck !!! wont be there for long....

Anonymous said...

im not the same Anonymous guy as above.

seriously i dont know what to say, you guys have bad sense in "Good Food", i know u are targetting on "Cheap Food" IRC food was never cheap from the start VS the value of food. their western food was already bad to start from, all frozen food, even ppl that had never cooked before would know how to do it.

even williams food taste better, yes they dont have a propper shop but hey whats good when the shop looks good outside food taste bad inside?

but its alright now, im glad they closed down, *hurray* for those ppl that has a few more thousand points in their account~~