Monday, April 14, 2008

Are there fish in Taman Sri Rampai lake?

Whenever I pass by this lake at Taman Sri Rampai, I would see some angler casting their lines into the waters and waiting patiently for god-knows-what. A bite, perhaps? Are there fish?

As far as I know, the lotuses are plentiful and fruiting too. If you like the bulbs, you can pick some by the lake's edge. Deeper ones are a danger because the water in some areas are not as shallow as it appears. There are also lotus fruits to enjoy, especially if you like the seeds raw. During the flowering season, March through May, the pink flowers that carpet the lake's surface is a sight to behold.

But fish?

Several years ago, City Hall threw a fishing competition here and released some patins. Rumour is still going around that there are some huge ones lurking in the waters, waiting stupidly to bite onto the baits of some lucky angler. Believe it or not, up to you. But every single angler I see there each day amazes me no end how some people could keep their hopes up every single day!

ps: This I know - there used to be lots of emerald chiclids that can be reared as aquarium fish here in the past. Not anymore.

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