Saturday, April 5, 2008

Freshly Made Putu Mayam in Air Panas (Hot Springs)

Putu mayam, hot from the steamer and best eaten with palm sugar.

Ever wondered where you could find freshly made string hoppers or better known among us as putu mayam? Well, wonder no more. Just drop by the Air Panas night market every Monday.

Situated at the other end (away from the wet market) is an Indian chap I called Anei who makes killer putu mayam. You can watch him prepare the string hoppers over an upturned rattan basket which he uses as a receptacle to steam this traditional Indian delicacy.

He also make steamed curry puffs if you are interested. These are like our curry puffs, except that the filling is sweet and contains generrous amounts of coconut shavings and black sugar. Best time to visit him is before 9pm. By 10pm, he's all sold out.

Anei busy making steamed curry puffs. They are white in contrast to traditional ones which are yellow because they have been fried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Air Panas but rarely go to the night market there. Since my inlaws love putu mayam, I will be making a beeline there next week. Thanks for highlighting this.