Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blowing Hot, Blowing Cold Over Advertisement

If you are in Wangsa Maju, pay attention to the signboards, especially those who look at the signboards. Yes, they are as amusing as the signboards themselves.

Just like the other night at Section Two when two elderly couple, who were quite conversant in the English Language, were spotted getting visibly offended by this signage:

Reading the signboard, it is hardly amusing the elderly couple (who were apparently teachers of English or had a reasonably admirable command of the language) had taken offence to the 'blow jobs' this hairstyling salon has advertised. Shoddy English can make your readers blow hot and cold.


Anonymous said... indeed a funny adv.

Anonymous said...

In Malaysian standard, the 2 ladies u mentioned already too nick picking.

Hahaha... of cos the sign is funny or offensive if look beyond its surface, but im sure the shop have no intention to offend, sometime people like to think of themselves as English experts just bcos they went thru' high school, and not want to fork out extra money to get real language expert to write the copy for the signboard.

Expose more if u can! << see what it mean if you look beyond the surface of this sentence?