Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NZ Curry House Charging For Papadam

Have you been to NZ Curryhouse lately? The one situated exactly beside the Carrefour Shopping Complex?

Great meals there but recently we found out that they have started charging for papadam, you know the Indian crackers that go with your meal?

Well, if in the past, they give you a couple of papadam when you order your rice, now they don't give you any. They ask you to buy -a packet of about five pieces of the usual palm-sized crackers for 50sen.

Most places give these free with your meal. Not at NZ anymore. I just wonder why. Maybe some people just take as many as their conscience would allow, sometimes wasting them on the plate, half eaten.

I checked with friends if this was a national phenomena. Some said yes, other mamak have started packing and selling them to diners. Have you experienced any?

I hope the mixed rice stalls won't start charging for soups and some, suet char (iced chinese tea).


Anonymous said...

ske mkn d NZ. mkanan sedap..envronment best...tp 1 jea yg xbpe ske,..pekerja2 NZ yg ramai di sekeliling tempat mkn...rasa rimas...
suggestion: NZ patut kurgkan pkerja yg sntiasa berdiri di tepi2 mja mkn cz planggan mgkin akn brasa krang selesa...dats all..

Anonymous said...

semakin mahal cekik darah makan kat situ,( 2 Tosai Telur, Roti Telur and nasi goreng biasa )= TOtal Charge RM11++, Dulu, bila order 2 tahun lepas with sama order baru RM5-7 Ringgit

Anonymous said...

lorr nk bndingkn dgn 2-3 taun lps mmgla sume brg murah kak..skang ni sume naik hrga..mkn byk byr pon byk ler...

Tergagah said...

Mahal... aku dtg masa bulan puasa setahun sekali jer...

thn ni (2011)
teh o ais Limau = 1.80 (kedai lain masih 1.40)

Nasi daging merah = 6.00 (kedai lain masih 5.00-5.50

Lain kali aku akan bawa bekal sendiri jer.. aku x suka mamak AKA bukan rakyat Malaysia menindas org Malaysia.