Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Smelly Towfoo At Sri Rampai Pasar Malam

If you visit the Taman Seri Rampai night market on Thursdays and smell a rat - or rather, smell shit - be comforted to know that you have not stepped on human excrement nor are near a sewage pond.

You are in the vicinity of a Chow Tow Foo or Smelly Tow Foo vendor. I wont tell you where this fella is located, so you will have to sniff him down. For clues, I have provided his pictures. And if you can stand the smell, maybe you would also like to stomach the fermented beancurd fried. And if he asks where you learnt about him, tell him you read him here first.


CLF said...

hahahah I remembered this stall!
bought from them before but parents dun like the idea of eating stinky stuff lol....

Theenesh kumar said...

i alwix past by this with holding my breath... but im alwiz curious... how does it taste coz there are many queuing up....

Anonymous said...

IT tastes like shit of course.

Anonymous said...

omg u noe?i go 2 pasar malam every weeek....n dis smell stinks lyke hell...even from a long distance u can smell it..whenever i smell it,i juz close my nose..hahaha..i dun care wat ppl think..mayb they tink i m perky or anak manja or sumthin but dats d fact haha..n omg..who wud wanna eat it?my chinese fwen told she wudnt try it cuz she said la8er eventhough she brush her teeth 4 1000s of years oso,d smell will b der..lolz..

Anonymous said...

i dont tink its that bad. judging from the constant line of customers there, i would say they have a strong fan base.

Anonymous said...

cibai this stall make the resident and people at sri rampai uncomfortable and feel disgusting. Please close it asap. CURSED it

scott abeng said...

haha.. looks like one man's shit is another's delight

water said...

oh~ shit! 21/07/2011 NO pasar malam anymore =.=....the dick DBKL saying close the Sri Rampai Pasar Malam.

DBKL Reason it make a Traffic jam~

what the hell DBKL reason [make a Traffic jam], ask them self wish Pasar Malam NO Traffic Jam!?

only one reason our know is DBKL Not enough suck money so this reason to close the pasar malam!

Anonymous said...

Anybody knows if it will be reopened??