Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How Stupid Can This Father Be?

It's not easy to have kids and when you do, you take care of them - not put their lives in danger like this guy, and the guy behind him who was spotted at Danau Kota. Not only are their kids not wearing helmets, the chap in front seems to enjoy himself and his father, well, he just couldn't care less. Wonder if the mother knows about this?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Who Knows Where Gombak Wet Market is?

White elephant.

If you pass by Jalan Gombak, you will see this structure. It houses the Gombak Wet Market. It was built in the 80s so that the morning market traders would be trading from a proper place. It was City Hall's plan to move all morning market traders operating from the roadsides into a better place.

However, the plan backfired. Few traders wanted to move in. Word has it that their reluctance was due to the fact that pork was not allowed to be sold here. Today, this modern market houses a City Hall materinity clinic, a Bank, and a miss-mash of various market traders with still plenty of stalls not taken up.

There is an escalator to the upper floor but it is only switched on on certain days. You get a handful of traders selling from meat to vegetables and the lobby area is used by traders selling tidbits. It's a real shame. If not for the bank operating here, the building would be empty.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Lian Hin Rubber Smokehouse

If you pass by Jalan Gombak into Sentul, you will see this blue building which looks like a pagoda. This is the Lian Hin Rubber Smokehouse. Until the 70s, and early 80s, this is where rubber sheets were smoked and dried before they could be exported. People who lived nearby remember the stench of rubber sheets on their clothes and at that time, not many people were vocal enough to complain. After several years, they grow immune to the smell. Today, thankfully, this building is no longer used to smoke rubber sheets and hence you dont even know it exists as there is no more stench from it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Egg Lovers Should Check This Out

Egg lovers, take note. If you are looking for wholesalers in Wangsa Maju, especially if those of you are operating business, go to CenterMart at Genting Kelang and check out this outlet. There are various offers weekly and if you choose wisely, you might land something worthwhile.

Monday, May 4, 2009

No Time For Prying Eyes, I am Hungry!

This man was spotted loitering around Genting Kelang Market amid the hawker stalls, going table from table after the diners have left. He checks out the leftovers and when something strikes his fancy, he grabs the leftovers and eat it (inset picture), without worry or care of prying eyes. From the looks, he appeared to be Chinese, about 70. When the stomach is hungry, sometimes we have to let go of pride and other concerns and fill the stomach first. To many, he could be an eccentric. Sadly, one wonders where his family is.