Monday, May 4, 2009

No Time For Prying Eyes, I am Hungry!

This man was spotted loitering around Genting Kelang Market amid the hawker stalls, going table from table after the diners have left. He checks out the leftovers and when something strikes his fancy, he grabs the leftovers and eat it (inset picture), without worry or care of prying eyes. From the looks, he appeared to be Chinese, about 70. When the stomach is hungry, sometimes we have to let go of pride and other concerns and fill the stomach first. To many, he could be an eccentric. Sadly, one wonders where his family is.


Ober Frederiksen said...

this may sound disgusting but then it might be the only way they can survive? since they don't have jobs to support them or even their own kids who cares about them?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Many thanks to have this virtual place getting to know better of the place I've been living in for nearly 30 years.

Nearby the market, right next to the 7-11 and Pistachio bakery, there's a food court named Old Place Setapak. It's not the place I want to talk about. It's all about a faithful granny, who looks in her 70's; yet she's trying to make her living by preparing delicious meal and selling it at RM3.50/RM4.00 per plate. Recently I heard that her husband is ill and she is at the brink of getting a loan from Ah Long. Maybe Alice you can give her a little more help by telling her story here.

xavier said...

JIN'S comment really heart wrenching.I hope more people nearby can help this lady here.Better still post up to facebook to let ppl aroung setapak area to help,at least patron her stall more frequent.