Sunday, June 15, 2008

Craving For Mee Rebus? Go See Hamid of Taman Melawati!

Okay, this is a bit out of Wangsa Maju but it is nearby. Within shouting distance in fact, in Taman Melawati.

Yes, for you all mee rebus fans out there, if you have not tried Hamid's Penang Mee Rebus, you don't know what you are missing. Suffice to say this is one of the best yet and drool if you wish, we at Wangsa Maju have the best mee rebus Penang within reach.

Hamid mee rebus is operated by Hamid himself (see picture) and I won't spoil the fun for your self-discovery. But I will share with you the location.

The stall is among the many at the Melawati Square (next to the Pasar Tani and Pasar malam site. It faces the Magnum-DaMaCai outlet. It is on your left if you are cruising along this stretch which is a one-way street.

Check out his mee rebus, rojak mee and cendol. You'll be glad you are reading this, believe me.

Unless of course you know of a better mee rebus outlet in the vicinity that I don't...

Updated: Aug 4, 2008.
This is in reply to the reader who wants to find out the actual location. Below is the map:

View Larger Map


Anonymous said...

Good blog on Wangsa Maju. Although I live in Selayang, I go to Wangsa Maju to have my snacks on weekends. Wiill check out Hamid for sure!:)

Alice Lee said...

Thanks Anon

Plse tell Hamid where you read about him. He will appreciate it!

Lyn said...

can u tell me where is it actually?i really wan to grab it^^

Alice Lee said...


Thanks for stopping by. Stop by for more updates about Wangsa Maju.

I have created a Google Map for you to check out where Hamid's stall is. Just click on the larger map and use the navigation pane on its left. Cheers and dont forget to tell Hamid where you found him -he might give you generous helpings of the rojak and cendol!

Unknown said...

Hamid s son was my schoolmate (same batch) and we left school after SPM in 1999. Haven't seen him since year 2000

Unknown said...

The last time I saw and talked to him was at this stall, and I was asking him what he was going to do after leaving school. He told me he was not sure. Since then, we have gone our own ways and not kept in touch.