Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thank You For Coming To School?

This signage was spotted at one of the top schools in Wangsa Maju -well, at least it is to my knowledge one of the best. But look here at this signboard.

Does it tell you something? Have students been playing truant that the school authority needs to come up with this courtesy message?

Congratulations for coming to school?
During our time, you just get whipped if you were late. And if you missed three times, you better had a good reason or get transferred or 'buang skolah' for that matter.

Sign of the times no doubt. No wonder the morale of teachers are low..


Anonymous said...

Good one Haha...

Anonymous said...

i go to that school,

Anonymous said...

is the absentee rate high? otherwise why the school put that notice up?

Anonymous said...

Mungkin kite kene tau knape
diorg letak signboard tu