Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wangsa Maju Maybank Moves To Opposite Carrefour

If you were wondering where the Maybank Wangsa Maju which used to be situated at the new block behind NZ Curry House was relocated, wonder no more. Wander instead to the new block of building opposite Carrefour. That's where the new location is. Just found out recently.

I think this bank has stopped thinking like a business entity because the all the ATM are located on the ground floor and if you need to do transactions, manual transactions, you have to go upstairs. It is not exactly easy to find parking and if you are a senior citizen, climbing up that stretch of stairs will make it harder if you have arthritic knees. I wonder if the bank officials really thought about the implications of putting their counters upstairs to the disabled and the elderly.

Hmm... banks must learn to care.


Anonymous said...

cool blog about wangsa maju. like the information. hehe :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's the bank way to encourage people to use more electronic banking. I won't be suprise in near future, the bank will start imposing minimal fee for over the counter services.