Friday, June 20, 2008

Ulu Yam Loh Mee Has Moved

Even the signboard is gone.

The Ulu Yam Loh Mee restaurant at the junction of Genting Kelang-Jalan Perusahaan has moved - or closed shop. Is the economy that bad? I used to like this place. Very busy in the afternoons for lunch, usually crowded. If I am not mistaken, it used to draw quite a big crowd and parking is bad. Wonder where it has moved to?


Anonymous said...

I remember that Ulu yam Mee shop. Used to see the last MP and gang there in the afternoons.

Anonymous said...

ya...i want to know where it has moved to too :(

their yee mee and yellow wine chicken is so yummy!

now the shop is selling 'supposedly' yong tau fu!

Anonymous said...

they moved to just two doors away. now it's air-conditioned :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! has just moved to right beside it only laaa...xD

janice said...

yes I have been there yesterday and had the yellow wine chicken. You know it feels like heaven. So great. Now the weather is so hot that its not advisable to take such stuff but no worries, my friend had 2 bowls and she lost her voice today! REAL BEST.

May Yen said...

the shop is now two doors away from Hometown Yong Tau Foo. The food still as great as before. I am a regular.